We are currently putting together information regarding helpful websites re ‘Mental Health’

New contact details for children and young people’s mental health service from April 

Children and young people wanting support with mental health issues can call a new number from 1 April.

The new number 0300 247 0090 (option 4) will be available for families and children and young people to call for mental health support including advice and information, arranging therapeutic activities and therapy/counselling.

Wiltshire Children and Young People Wellbeing Service is commissioned by Wiltshire Council to provide information, advice and wellbeing support for children aged 5-18 who live in Wiltshire or are registered with a Wiltshire GP.

The service provides early mental health and wellbeing support including advice and information, arranging therapeutic activities and therapy/counselling. The service is designed to help children and young people avoid reaching crisis point.

HCRG Care Group will take on the contract from Barnardos and the new contact number will start from 1 April.


Link to ‘Anxiety – A Parent Guide’